2011년 1월 26일 수요일

Dear Rainbow Sherbet Ice Cream

Dear My heart, Rainbow Sherbet Ice Cream,
How good I feel when you go through my tongue to my throat
How dare you fascinate me so much that I feel like going to another world when I swallow you up!

You not only cool us in the summer but u try to kill me wih the fastasticness of your taste

You are worth the lots of calories, I might say
But I shall control my mind,
not to get fatter than I already am, my dear

You, my dear, is surely the e

2011년 1월 17일 월요일

Viral Video : Cellphone in Microwave :(

I saw this video first in the program called "Sponge".
In the edition(which in this video was introduced), they were talking about
some viral videos, and discovering if the videos were true or not.
I don't exactly remember the other videos, but I certainly remembered this video
when Mr.Garrioch told us to write a post about a viral video.
The truth if this is true or false will be told in the end of the post :).
It's just a way to keep the suspense going @_@

As you can see, this video is a cellphone being put into a microwave
When the person turns on the microwave, the cellphone begins
to have a smoke around it,
and after some time, an cellphone monster appears!
Everyone who saw this should be like "Wow!"
I really think this is totally cool, too.
No one knew that there is a monster living inside our cellphones!

and the truth of this video is...


Diamonte Poem : Rain vs. snow

gloomy wet
scaring thundering threatening
water cloud snowfight snowman
admiring playing  thinking
pretty pure white

Wacky Web Tales : Life is a Cliché!

Life's a Cliché!

Llama: Were you surprised when the Astros lost?
Lady Gray Jane: Surprised? You could have knocked me over with a(n) domokun.

Llama: I think the weather had a lot to do with it.
Lady Gray Jane: Yes, the field was in terrible shape. It had been raining ducks and monkeys up until the time the game started.

Llama: What do you think of the catcher?
Lady Gray Jane: He's a problem. He's out of shape. The coach should take the deer by the heart and fire him!

Llama: We don't see lung to lung on this at all. I think the catcher is in great shape. He's as fit as a(n) drum.
Lady Gray Jane: How can you say that? He got on the team by the skin of his eyes.

Llama: You may be right. But you and I know how it is. That's just the way the 삼겹살 bounces.
Lady Gray Jane: Well, time certainly does chopped. I've got to be getting home now.
Llama: See you tomorrow, I hope. It's always fun eating the breeze with you.

Wacky Web Tales : Simply Delicious!

Simply Delicious!

notebooks a la Soyun
  • 9999999999999999999999 cups of notebooks
  • 1234567859 pounds of chopped domokuns
  • 456 teaspoons of ducks
  • 1597563213 cups of orange drink
  • 4159 chicken
  1. smacked the notebooks under cold water and place them in a(n) eww bowl.
  2. pleasantly add the chopped domokuns, ducks, orange drink, and chicken.
  3. plushed down well until all the ingredients are cute.
  4. Place spoonfuls of the mixture on a 9 x 12 laptop.
  5. Bake 2 minutes at 78832 degrees.
Serves 15645984

2011년 1월 12일 수요일

Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter.. spring

One boy is crying, seeing that the snake died because he tied it up. The boy just can't bear it when he realized what he did to them. Yesterday, He tied up the frog, the snake, and the fish, making it impossible for them to move freely. The monk caght caught his young student doing that, and to teach him a lesson, he did the same to him, tieing him up while he was sleeping. He really cries a lot when he got the idea what he did to them.

In the film, "spring,summer, fall, winter, spring", I think the monk was trying to teach the boy to "think on the others' persepectives, too when you do something to them".

When the boy tortured the animals, the monk did the same to let him feel like the animals. That tells us that in order to think on the others' side, too, we need to know that "if we don't like something, the others would not like it either" and "every life is important", even if it's a small animal that looks so weak.

My biggest teacher in my life is my mom. She always tell me to not to do things that I don't like to the others. When I was young, I tried to give away something I don't like to someone because I didn't like it. But my mom mom stopped me from it, saying that "If you donj't like it, then he/she won't like it either". After that, I always try to think as a perspective of other people, and ask myself "How would they think if try to do, or say this?". It's a common sense that you shouldn't be selfish or greedy, giving them what you do not want, just not think on anybody's side except for you.

Second thing is that "Every life is important", no matter how small it is. Even though some insects or animals are too weak that we can kill it in 10 seconds, we shouldn't do that, especialy just for fun, like the boy. We care so much about our lives & when would we die. They are living things, which has feelings . People who kill them just for fun is neglecting the value of life, including ours. If we want to live longer, even one more day longer, I strongly believe that it's same for them, too.

So, I think that the most important basic theme on this film is that "think ont he other's perspective".

This was kind of sow movie, but I think this really teaches us a lot of lesson, which I was really impressed on.

2011년 1월 10일 월요일

Writing Chain : ""Success is anything people think it is" by Class 25

Hi, this essay is about success in your life. It makes sense, and I think it turned out okay. Because I wasn't here on that day, I didn't participate in this essay when my classmates were writing this. But I like it when I changed it a little bit. If I were there on that day, I would not have done saying that the person who wrote before me is wrong, because it doesn't really make sense when you do that. But for overall after I revised it, I think this essay would be the one what makes you think one more time about your life. Enjoy!

 Success is anything people think it is. Everybody's view of success is different. For instance, a terrorist's success might be taking over the whole government of USA, a dog's sucess might be earning a lot of bones buried under the soil, and maybe a studentt's success might be getting straight A's

 Well, there are some common ways that mostly leads to success in your life. I will talk about 3 major ways in this essay.

 First, it's a matter of effort. If you give a lot of effort on something, nothing is impossible. For example, my friend, he wanted to get more than 90 in average on the final exam this semester. And he really studied hard to do that, which made it possible for him to achieve his goal.

 Secondly, success is reaching your destination, or your goal. Let's talk about money. Almost everybody wants to get rich when they grow up, or get a job that makes a lot of money. Money is the main symbol of success. The origin of the world 'sucesss' is the Latin word 'sucioustixourious', which means 'full of gold'. So basically the success is something that matters with money, at least in ancient time. Let's take a look at Bill Gates. We call him 'successor' because he is a billionaire who has bazillion of dollars. Money is surely one of the most important thing for making you a 'successor' in your life.

 Third is doing anything to succeed. but before going on to my tip, I want to make things clear that were said earlier in this essay. Success is not limited to one side, thus what I mean by the last paragraph is tha being rich might be a goal for somebody, meaning 'success' to them, at least. I believe that success could be more about satisfaction and happiness. Actually, the happiness index of developing countries are higher than those in developed country. This shows that there could be more important things for somebody than money and that the meaning of 'success' can be different for somebody. But the most important things for success, even success have all different meanings to each person, is that we should make our full effort and do our best for everything to achieve it.

 Trying to success means working hard for your goal, but if you hurt someone during the process, you should think about your true desire one more time. If you are trying to succeed for everyone's happiness including yours, that's great. Go with it.

 Your success is up to you. How to get to it in your own way is a problem you have to solve on your own during the rest of your life. Look aroud, there are people by your side who can help you. Ask them for help, and help yourself. It's okay to make mistakes, you really get to learn from mistakes. Mistakes could be faster way to succeed in your life. Wake up and start working for your goal from this moment. Good luck!

 Did you enjoy it? Thank you for reading it until the end! Please leave comments for this essay below. Thank you!

                                                                  -Kim So Yun / Rocky Mountain Deer (class 25 / 910호)