2011년 1월 12일 수요일

Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter.. spring

One boy is crying, seeing that the snake died because he tied it up. The boy just can't bear it when he realized what he did to them. Yesterday, He tied up the frog, the snake, and the fish, making it impossible for them to move freely. The monk caght caught his young student doing that, and to teach him a lesson, he did the same to him, tieing him up while he was sleeping. He really cries a lot when he got the idea what he did to them.

In the film, "spring,summer, fall, winter, spring", I think the monk was trying to teach the boy to "think on the others' persepectives, too when you do something to them".

When the boy tortured the animals, the monk did the same to let him feel like the animals. That tells us that in order to think on the others' side, too, we need to know that "if we don't like something, the others would not like it either" and "every life is important", even if it's a small animal that looks so weak.

My biggest teacher in my life is my mom. She always tell me to not to do things that I don't like to the others. When I was young, I tried to give away something I don't like to someone because I didn't like it. But my mom mom stopped me from it, saying that "If you donj't like it, then he/she won't like it either". After that, I always try to think as a perspective of other people, and ask myself "How would they think if try to do, or say this?". It's a common sense that you shouldn't be selfish or greedy, giving them what you do not want, just not think on anybody's side except for you.

Second thing is that "Every life is important", no matter how small it is. Even though some insects or animals are too weak that we can kill it in 10 seconds, we shouldn't do that, especialy just for fun, like the boy. We care so much about our lives & when would we die. They are living things, which has feelings . People who kill them just for fun is neglecting the value of life, including ours. If we want to live longer, even one more day longer, I strongly believe that it's same for them, too.

So, I think that the most important basic theme on this film is that "think ont he other's perspective".

This was kind of sow movie, but I think this really teaches us a lot of lesson, which I was really impressed on.

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