2011년 1월 17일 월요일

Wacky Web Tales : Simply Delicious!

Simply Delicious!

notebooks a la Soyun
  • 9999999999999999999999 cups of notebooks
  • 1234567859 pounds of chopped domokuns
  • 456 teaspoons of ducks
  • 1597563213 cups of orange drink
  • 4159 chicken
  1. smacked the notebooks under cold water and place them in a(n) eww bowl.
  2. pleasantly add the chopped domokuns, ducks, orange drink, and chicken.
  3. plushed down well until all the ingredients are cute.
  4. Place spoonfuls of the mixture on a 9 x 12 laptop.
  5. Bake 2 minutes at 78832 degrees.
Serves 15645984

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