2011년 1월 17일 월요일

Wacky Web Tales : Life is a Cliché!

Life's a Cliché!

Llama: Were you surprised when the Astros lost?
Lady Gray Jane: Surprised? You could have knocked me over with a(n) domokun.

Llama: I think the weather had a lot to do with it.
Lady Gray Jane: Yes, the field was in terrible shape. It had been raining ducks and monkeys up until the time the game started.

Llama: What do you think of the catcher?
Lady Gray Jane: He's a problem. He's out of shape. The coach should take the deer by the heart and fire him!

Llama: We don't see lung to lung on this at all. I think the catcher is in great shape. He's as fit as a(n) drum.
Lady Gray Jane: How can you say that? He got on the team by the skin of his eyes.

Llama: You may be right. But you and I know how it is. That's just the way the 삼겹살 bounces.
Lady Gray Jane: Well, time certainly does chopped. I've got to be getting home now.
Llama: See you tomorrow, I hope. It's always fun eating the breeze with you.

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