2011년 1월 17일 월요일

Viral Video : Cellphone in Microwave :(

I saw this video first in the program called "Sponge".
In the edition(which in this video was introduced), they were talking about
some viral videos, and discovering if the videos were true or not.
I don't exactly remember the other videos, but I certainly remembered this video
when Mr.Garrioch told us to write a post about a viral video.
The truth if this is true or false will be told in the end of the post :).
It's just a way to keep the suspense going @_@

As you can see, this video is a cellphone being put into a microwave
When the person turns on the microwave, the cellphone begins
to have a smoke around it,
and after some time, an cellphone monster appears!
Everyone who saw this should be like "Wow!"
I really think this is totally cool, too.
No one knew that there is a monster living inside our cellphones!

and the truth of this video is...


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